Why Do You Need a Small Portable Asphalt Mix Plant?

Do you often have to travel long distances for your construction projects? Do you feel like it is high time you got a small asphalt mix plant instead of purchasing expensive ready mix from the market? Well, you have some of the portable asphalt mix plant variants to buy from. Their designs meet the requirement of contractors like you. When you have tons of projects but in different places of the city, this asphalt mixing plant will come in handy.

portable asphalt plant for sale

Portable asphalt mix plants

The manufacturers of small portable asphalt mix plants don’t compromise the quality of these machines. Usually, you see massive plants mixing tons of asphalt every hour. But, if you don’t require that amount of output, go for the smaller, portable variants. They are cheaper, they don’t take much space, and they offer maximum mobility. Whether it is for road construction or developing new pathways or sidewalks, you can use the small portable asphalt plant anywhere, anytime.

use the small portable asphalt plant anywhere

Features of portable asphalt mixing plants

Most of the portable asphalt plant for sale allows quick installation, thanks to the prewired chassis. It saves a lot of time to start the machine too. Some of the other features that these machines have are as follows:

• They come with foldable legs that you can open up whenever you need the asphalt mix plant. These machines don’t need any foundation. Simply open the legs, switch the machine, pour the ingredients, and let the mixer do its jobs. It’s that easy!

• They also have a pneumatic braking system, kingpin system, and junction box that provides better control to the user. You can mix the ingredients according to the timings in the manual. The machine also shows an approximate output time. This is less than the typical asphalt mixing plants. Since they make considerably more quantity of asphalt mix, they take more time as well.

• The small portable asphalt plants for sale have a PLC-based control panel. This means they don’t have the microprocessor-based panels that traditional asphalt mixing plants have. PLC-based panels are far more advanced. They provide accurate details about the measurements and when you need to add the ingredients. This system also reduces downtime and improves the smooth functioning of the mixer.

small portable asphalt plants for sale

• The mixing and drying drum comes with cerawool insulation. This helps them to resist temperature as high as 1206 degrees Celsius. So, you can understand the quality of insulation the makers use to ensure that you don’t face any trouble at any construction site.

Many manufacturers try to attract customers with low-prices, but you shouldn’t fall in such traps. Make sure you check these features before purchasing. Also, it is best if you buy a portable asphalt mix plant that has a stainless steel body. This will help it endure extreme temperature conditions, and it will also not corrode in the future.

Small portable asphalt mix plants come as a boon to the construction industry, especially to the contractors. They can now invest in a relatively cheaper machine but still, get high-quality asphalt mix for their construction projects.