Factors Affecting Boat Travel Lift Cost

In the simplest of terms, a boat travel lift – also referred to as a boat crane, boat gantry crane or boat hoist – can be described as special type of crane that is designed to be used in raising boats out of water and moving them around a marina or dock. When shopping around, you will find different types of boat travel lifts, offered at different prices.

One of the main factors to consider when shopping for a boat travel lift is the cost. To find out more about the main factors affecting boat travel lift(grua portico barcos) cost, continue reading below.

Small Travel Lift

Size/Loading Capacity

Boat travel lifts come in different sizes – each with a specified loading capacity. You can find variants that have a loading capacity that ranges between 10 and 1,000 tons, and above. The cost of these travel lifts varies depending on size, with the smallest one being the most affordable option, while the largest one tends to be the costliest option.

To avoid spending more than you need to on your boat travel lift(winche hidraulico para barco) investment, make sure that you choose an option that matches the loading requirements of the vessels you intend to handle on a regular basis. If you will be handling larger vessels in the near future, consider getting a bigger/higher capacity option.


Boat travel lifts are made up of different components. Boat travel lifts designed for use in extreme conditions feature heavy duty construction. This calls for the use of heavy duty materials – including tires – that are not only highly durable, but also water and corrosion resistant. Simply put, heavy duty boat hoists – designed for use in the most extreme maritime environments – tend to be more expensive than regular boat hoists, as they are built using a thicker steel frame and other heavy duty materials and components – all of which add to the final cost.

Large Travel Lift for Sale

Mode Operation (Manual vs. Electric)

Different boat travel lifts come with different operation mechanisms. The lifting mechanism is one of the most important components of any boat hoist. The two main options here include manual and electric. Manual travel lifts(grúa pórtico sobre ruedas) are the traditional option. To lift boats out of the water, you need to apply manual effort when using these hoists. Electric hoists on the other hand rely on an advanced electric mechanism that makes for easy and effortless operation and control.

Owing to their simple construction, manual boat travel lifts tend to be more affordable than their electric counterparts. Manual boat travel lifts are mainly designed to be used in applications where there is no power source near the dock or marina. However, it is worth noting that electric lifts are designed with a variety of additional features that make for easier and convenient use at all times.

Final Thoughts

An effective and reliable boat travel lift is necessary when it comes to operating a dock or marina. Different boat hoists are offered at different prices – which are mainly influenced by the manufacturing cost. After reading the above, you should have a good idea of the main factors affecting boat travel lift cost, and with it, be able to make an informed choice when making an investment in this important piece of machinery.