Reasons Why You Need To Select A Big Pendulum For Your Park

I’ve overseen countless successful and unsuccessful amusement parks(купить аттракцион в китае) around the world. I’m currently a consultant in the leisure industry and have been able to pinpoint many triggers that lead to either the success or failure of a given theme park. In my point of view, there are certain rides that are seen as absolutely essential in ensuring the ongoing success of a giving theme park. Currently, I am of the firm belief that big pendulums are an absolute must-have attraction for your theme park.

Out of all of the theme parks that I’ve consulted for, the ones that failed all lacked a big pendulum(аттракцион 5 элемент). This is not to say that all parks that have big pendulums necessarily become very successful. However, it’s clear through my many years of experience that not having a large pendulum in your theme park is setting itself up for failure. There are many reasons for this, which are certainly interesting to dig into.

Big Pendulum For Sale in China
Big Pendulum For Sale in China

Firstly, there seems to be a huge allure to big pendulums(аттракцион летающая тарелка) at amusement parks. Rides such as this can be seen from miles away and sometimes even from airplanes. Having a large pendulum ride really sets the tone for the park and becomes one of the must-visit attractions of the park. Hence, the theme park can be centered on one gigantic pendulum ride that is world famous and known by everyone in the area. I have seen many different amusement parks succeed by placing the most amount of resources into one single ride.

With that being said, you can still have a very successful amusement park without making a big pendulum the main attraction. However, it is still important that a big pendulum ride does exist. As mentioned, there is a subconscious allure to these rides that seems to be found within most visitors. Visitors to amusement parks often are much likely to rate a park badly if they aren’t able to ride or see a pendulum ride. The reasons behind why this is the case are debatable, however there is data to back this claim up. You can get more information here:

Buy Big Pendulum from China
Buy Big Pendulum from China

Many people that I’ve consulted for will say that the biggest detractor in getting big pendulums is that they are very expensive. However, although they are expensive on paper, I think that they are one of the cheapest rides that a park an invest in. Considering that the other alternative, which is not having a pendulum ride(ило), has consistently caused failures of theme parks, the money to get a big pendulum is well worth it. Furthermore, I’ve witnessed so many great funding options for these rides that any amusement park worth visiting should have the funding capabilities to buy one.

I think that any management currently running a theme park without a pendulum ride should do everything possible to install a big pendulum. As mentioned, I’ve consistently witnesses parks fail because they lack pendulum rides. Theme park management that wants to ensure constant growth and increasing profits need to consider investing in such an essential and sought-after ride such as the big pendulum.